Behind-the-Scenes: What We’re Doing to Grow Our Client Base via Webinars

Posted by Ben Kniffen in Uncategorized

In our blog post last Friday, I went over the 8 Keys to Signing New Clients off of Webinars. This week we have something even better for you.

Due to the great response we received about the last blog on webinars, Josh and myself (mainly Josh) put together a free mini-training on exactly what WE are doing to grow our CLIENT base via webinars.

Running a webinar can seem overwhelming. Creating, promoting, and gaining clients off of a webinar can be a daunting task for many. Some think that you can only sell inexpensive info-products off of webinars.


People have been selling high-priced engagements for DECADES at conferences, teleseminars, etc. It’s all about structuring the presentation the right way. That’s it. 

YOU can do the exact same thing using a webinar, to sell to clients anywhere in the world.

In this mini-training Josh dives into how we structure and drive traffic to our webinars. He takes you behind-the-scenes on how, in just a few months, we have averaged 268 prospects per webinar and how that has translated into $58,220 in services.  (All told, over 5,000 prospects have attended our webinars in the last 4-5 months.)

Also, do not miss out on your opportunity to reserve your seat for Josh and I’s special workshop where we share our full step-by-step process on how to sell high priced services using webinars. In the training we will go over how we structure, present, drive traffic to, and most importantly get leads and sales off of webinars. You can find all of the info on how to reserve your seat here.

If you are interested in the workshop you should really think about grabbing your seat now.  We just opened it up to the public, and it will fill up quickly.

n the training we will go over how we structure, present, drive traffic to, and most importantly get leads and sales off of webinars. You can find all of the info on how to reserve your seat here.

Click here for all the details and to sign up: