Posted by Ben Kniffen in Uncategorized
You may have seen your connections using LinkedIn publishing to share long-form posts or perhaps you received an email with an invite to begin publishing yourself.
While the ability to post content on LinkedIn is not new, the ability to publish original long-form content brings new features to the social media site.
I. What does the platform offer?
The LinkedIn publishing platform now allows users to produce long-form content that can be shared, followed, and housed on one’s profile. The feature has been rolling out in small increments to select LinkedIn users.
If you haven’t received an email or are unsure if you have access to publish, you can check by logging on to LinkedIn. If there is a pen icon in the status update box then you have the ability to publish. If not, then you will be getting it eventually.
The LinkedIn publishing platform enables user to:
-Post links
-Format text into headlines or paragraphs
-upload images and embed videos
-spell check
-preview option
– keep count of the number of times your post was viewed, commented on, and liked
The platform also allows any LinkedIn member to follow your published content. It can be found by searching on LinkedIn and outside search engines.
And while there is no guarantee, LinkedIn can promote your content on Pulse or 3rd party sites as well.
II. How is the LinkedIn Publishing platform different from other posting options?
There are a few other ways to post content on LinkedIn, in addition to this new option. One can post status updates, post into the groups you belong to, or share messages with your connections.
LinkedIn publishing is a long-form arena to promote original content, whereas the ability to post in groups or statuses is kept to a short 700 characters.
Long-form publishing encourages users to create and post original content. This content is then saved on the publisher’s profile where connections, followers, and people who stumble upon the content will be able to view it.
Similar to posting statuses or into groups, LinkedIn publishing will also show up on one’s newsfeed as new content added.
III. How does this affect me and my business?
While LinkedIn publishing will eventually be available to everyone, it is still a good way to continue to get your name in front of your target prospects.
One does not need to create a ton of new content to publish, because quality over quantity applies here. But there is a way to get more leverage over each piece of published material.
*If you edit your published material, each of your connections and followers will receive an update which boosts your ability to stay top of mind with them.*
Another way to add this feature to your business strategy is to post your blog, or any professional written material you are creating on 3rd party sites to the publish area. You can even link back to your website.
As the publishing option becomes more utilized on LinkedIn it will be interesting to see how this new option will evolve and the greater impact it has the potential to make.
Are you currently implementing a strategy using the new publish feature? What do you think the high and lows of this new feature are? Tell me what you think in the comments!