Frequently Asked Questions
Throughout our process and managing client campaigns, we’re regularly asked some recurring questions. We believe in being straightforward with our prospective clients and partners so that everyone has clarity throughout the relationship.
Here are some FAQs about our campaigns and work:
We customize each of our campaign strategies based on the tactics that we believe will be the most impactful towards meeting your goals. But, no matter what your strategy, your entire campaign strategy and the materials to launch that strategy are included in the Free Build Out. That includes (but isn’t limited to) - email scripts, ad copy & creative variations, landing page copy, call scripts, and the technical integration plan. Plus, we’ll lay the framework for how the campaign will be tracked and how results will be communicated to you. Yes, all that for FREE.
LinkedSelling works with a variety of companies in mostly the B2B space but also some in B2C spaces. Over our 15+ years of experience doing this, we have worked with pretty much EVERY type of company in every industry and size to deliver long term solutions for their sales and pipeline development needs.
Our most successful campaigns are traditionally for B2B businesses that provide products or services that have a high average lifetime value or price point, and serve a demographic that can be identified online.
We use a customized combination of Email Outreach, Paid Social Ads, Phone Outreach and LinkedIn Outreach. Check out all of our service offerings here.
Most of the prospective clients that we talk to have been burnt by other marketing agencies in the past due to lack of results, lack of communication, a set it and forget it mentality, or non-delivery of assets. Investing in a partner or vendor for ANY service or product is a big decision. One that we believe you should be able to make WITHOUT a huge engagement fee or long term commitment.
That’s why LinkedSelling has created our Sales Pipeline Machine Build Out AT NO COST OR COMMITMENT FROM YOU. If you don’t like what you see after we present our customized strategy and assets, you can walk away with nothing lost.
No risk. No commitment. Let’s start our relationship off fresh, meet our fantastic team and give us a chance to prove why LinkedSelling is different from the others out there. We’re a long term partner driven by finding your success.
LinkedSelling has a straightforward and streamlined process to get you to launch and start getting results fast. Most of our clients have their campaigns up and running within 30-45 days of first talking with us. Our general timeline is shown below.

After your Discovery Call, you’ll be partnered with an Account Management team who will guide you through the entire process and who will be your main points of contact throughout your relationship with us. You’ll meet with your Account Management team on a regular basis to get your feedback, go over results, optimizations and next steps. We are not a “set it and forget it” style agency.
As seen in the timeline above, we move quickly so you start getting results as soon as possible. That being said, each campaign’s performance is very different when it comes to what we will see. As we’re leading up to launching, your account management team will provide expectations for your specific campaign.
We have worked with thousands of businesses in many industries over our 15+ years of doing this successfully. Chances are we have a case study for a company that is similar to yours. Check out our case studies here.
All campaigns are different. It is normal that sometimes a campaign takes a little extra testing or optimization in order to get it producing at the rate you’d like. Our team are EXPERTS at figuring things out and testing variations as quickly as possible so that you’re getting results as quickly as possible. This also highly depends on your product, industry, target audience and budget. Your LinkedSelling Account Management team will do everything in our power to get it producing.
But - we aren’t magic or mind readers. We’ll need your feedback and help to make this a success. If the quality of the leads being generated are consistent and on par with what you asked for, then there may be a breakdown in your sales process or follow up process. Or if your sales cycle generally takes 6 months, and we’re in month 3 of the campaign, don’t ask us why there haven’t been any closed sales from the campaign yet.
LinkedSelling offers a variety of engagement plans from short 3 month term commitments to longer term commitments. We strive to create a long term strategic partnership that is successful for our clients and our team. Many of our clients have been with us for years.
Still having questions? Reach out to us...
If you haven't found an answer to your question feel free to reach out to us via email, or give us a call at (314) 499-8892 and we'll gladly help you with your inquiry.