How a Resume Consultant Used LinkedIn to Rapidly Grow His Business

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Maetz Resume Consulting used LinkedIn to create a successful company and national footprint from a simple dream to help people find work.

Mike Maetz discovered a passion in life as he turned 40 that kind of surprised him.

He found a love for writing resumes and helping others find work. He was already very savvy on LinkedIn and loved to network, but when he combined his networking skills with his business – great things happened.

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He started his business by just posting simple ads on Craig’s List and notes on LinkedIn to make extra money as he worked full-time during the day at AT&T. He found himself very busy almost immediately to the point where it turned into a full-time second job.

Just two months ago, in the summer of 2012, he decided to retire from the corporate world and pursue his business full-time. He now has 9 professional resume writers on his team that write for him, a nationwide footprint of clients that continues to grow and that has now expanded to Canada.

All that in less than a year and a half time frame!

How did he do it?

Mike credits his success to his LinkedIn marketing campaign.

“Even though I found my first clients from Craig’s List, I have to give most all of the credit for the growth of my business to LinkedIn.

Not only did I meet a lot of my current writers that way, but I can account for about 75% of my clients from LinkedIn and almost 50% of my current business from there. Since I have over 17,000 contacts and I add about 50,000 people to my overall network every 48 hours, I’m able to market our services to entire new pool of potential clients every single day.

The best part about my experience with LinkedIn is that I still have a basic membership, which is completely FREE! Where else can a small business owner get that kind of visibility with zero financial investment? Name one.”

What does he see as the most valuable tools on LinkedIn for his business?

Groups have been a huge way for me to promote what we do. I’m in 50 groups and I try and stay active in as many as I can. I post regularly by adding content and value and if I don’t get a lot of feedback or response, I get out of that group and join another. It’s so incredibly easy since you can target the specific audience that you want.

I update my status several times a day and I typically get several clients a week that way – by only spending a few seconds putting a status update. It would be silly for me not to do that since over 17M people could potentially be exposed.

Also, by adding keywords to my profile – I get a ton of traffic to my profile that ends up turning into people emailing me and asking questions and advice. A perfect opportunity to position our services and value as a trusted advisor for a job seeker needing help.”

Where does he see his business going in the future?

“I hope to continue to grow and add services to what we offer. We are now doing a lot of LinkedIn training for our clients on how to look for a job on LinkedIn, we are doing LinkedIn training for corporate sales teams and I have a writer on my team that is a certified interview coach.

The possibilities are limitless in this industry because the need is so huge and so many people are starving for what we have to offer – there is not enough time in the day to ever meet the demand

That is a good problem to have as a small business owner and being able to know that we are really making a difference in people’s lives in a great way to make a living.

I have found my calling in life and that’s a great feeling.”

This guest post was by Mike Maetz.  If you found this valuable and would like to reach out to Mike and his team, he can be reached at mike at maetzresumeconsulting dot com or directly on his cell at 678-646-7936. They offer free resume and LinkedIn profiles reviews and free weekly LinkedIn training for job seekers.  Check out and connect with Mike on LinkedIn.

Check out more LinkedIn Case Studies.

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  • There is another great book about Linkedin – How to really use Linkedin written by Jan Vermeiren and Bert Verdonck. There is one chapter to show us how to use Linkedin in sales and marketing, get employee and look for a job.

    Mike’s story is another great reference as well. 🙂