What has Chris Brogan changing his mind about LinkedIn?

Posted by LinkedSelling in Uncategorized

Chris BroganIn 2012, New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan publicly announced…

…that he closed his LinkedIn account.


Chris was pretty blunt in saying he quit LinkedIn “Because it hasn’t done much for me for business.”

A lot of people since have commented and posted on their own sites about what a mistake he was making, how wrong he was, blah, blah, blah.

Didn’t seem to matter much to me.  Somebody with a lot of followers and klout (with a k) quits LinkedIn.  Ok, cool.

But then, a few months back I heard Chris say this in one of his weekly Sunday morning newsletters (awesome stuff by the way, subscribe here):

“I believe the most powerful business system that could ever exist is a steady stream of referrals.” – Chris Brogan

We started using this as  a punchline in a lot of our training, because that’s exactly one of the systems we teach…how to systematically build a massive referral network on LinkedIn.

Fast forward a couple months, and I noticed that Chris is back on LinkedIn.  Hm, that’s interesting.

On a whim, I reached out to Chris as well as the President of his operation, Rob Hatch

I told him about our system, and how great a fit I thought it was for Chris’ approach and philosophy.

They liked it so much, they agreed to co-host a training event on the topic.

And it’s coming up on April 16.  Join Chris and I live, for a complimentary training session on how to put this system in place.

Learn how to use LinkedIn the right way, and to start getting consistent results.

For all the details and to sign up, click here:


Chris Brogan LinkedIn