How Appstractor Corporation Generated Opt-Ins and Demo Requests In Less Than 4 Months Using Facebook Ads

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How Appstractor Corporation Generated Opt-Ins and Demo Requests
In Less Than 4 Months Using Facebook Ads

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The Challenge:

Implement the Right System

Appstractor Corporation is an online security company that created a VPN solution specifically to meet the practical needs of small and medium businesses who do a lot of their work on the go and are often accessing their networks from public WiFi. With their new, innovative software solution ready to go, Appstractor Corporation was looking to scale and expand its clientele to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) who could resell their software product to their clients.

The Solution:

5-Part Facebook Ads Campaign

After doing a deep dive into their audience’s online habits and interests, we assembled two separate Facebook campaigns designed to move new leads into a free demo through a PDF download funnel and a direct to demo funnel.

By launching these two campaigns and ultimately leading towards a free demo of their software, we were able to reach more potential clients, grow an email list of qualified prospects, and increase the number of demo requests.

The first campaign consisted of these 3-parts:

  1. Audience-Specific Targeting Through Facebook Advertisements.
  2. Direct to Calendar Page - “Book A FREE Demo Now”
  3. Show Up Email Sequence Focused on Getting People to Come to the Demo Presentation.

The second campaign consisted of these 4-parts:

  1. Audience-Specific Targeting Through Facebook Advertisements.
  2. Page to Download White Paper and Capture the Lead’s Information.
  3. Page to Book a FREE Demo.
  4. Show Up Email Sequence Focused on Getting People to Come to the Demo Presentation.

Using our Social Selling System, we set up two Facebook advertising campaigns after conducting industry research for audience targeting and developing messaging that will resonate with MSP company owners.

For the direct to demo campaign, after they clicked on the advertisement, they would be redirected to a landing page with the option to opt-in for the free demo, it would also talk briefly about how the software worked. They would then be redirected to a page where they can book an appointment for their demo. They would then receive a series of follow-up emails reminding them about the demo that they signed up for.

In addition to using a landing page, we also utilized a Facebook Lead Form, which gave prospects two opportunities to opt-in from the ad.

For the PDF download campaign, after they clicked on the advertisement, they would be asked to put in their information. Afterward, they were immediately redirected to a thank you page that walked them briefly through the software and how they could book a free demo. We also set up retargeting ads to get people who downloaded the report and offered them an opportunity to sign up for a demo.

The Results:

64 Qualified Leads & 58 Demos

In 4 months, Appstractor’s Ads Generated 64 Qualified Leads under $10 Each and Booked 58 Demo Requests at $11.25 Each

Not only were the initial demo responses impressive, Appstractor also added over 100 new people to their email list, who can all be contacted and on an ongoing basis and monetized. With these new leads on their list and demos on their schedule, the potential for additional revenue is huge. The best part? This system is EASILY replicated month after month, consistently growing their email list, increasing awareness, and booking new clients.

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About Appstractor Corporation:

Trusted Proxies, our original brand, provides a fast, reliable and scalable Geo-specific highly anonymous Proxy Server Platform & API, for Software Developers, SEO & Digital Marketing professionals. Optimised for mass web scraping & rapid Search Engine data extraction - without being blocked - and local results from 180+ locations around the world.

Industry: Information Technology and Services

Location: Borehamwood, England


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