Posted by Ben Kniffen in Uncategorized

When marketing your brand on LinkedIn, a key element is curating and sharing content. But for busy professionals, carving out the time to find quality content can be a tall task. LinkedIn hopes to ease the burden.
This past December, LinkedIn made it easier to quickly find relevant content from influencers in your industry. You can now search for and share industry specific content without leaving LinkedIn. This feature is still in its infancy, but as LinkedIn continues to grow its publishing capabilities we will begin to see more and more quality content to scroll through and choose from.
Here is how it works:
What is the point?
Post Content Daily
We suggest posting content that your ideal prospects will find interesting on a daily basis. For example, if you are an IT company, it doesn’t make sense to post IT articles that only tech people would find interesting. Think about who your prospects are and what they might be interested in. If you typically provide your services to manufacturing companies, you might want to consider posting articles or content about lean manufacturing or supply chain management.
Become a Thought Leader in Your Industry
By posting content that your prospects deem valuable, you will begin to position yourself as a thought leader in your space. You have shown that you are not only interested in the work that YOU do, but are also very knowledgeable about YOUR PROSPECT’S industry. This will bridge the connection between your industry and your prospect’s business.
Stay Top of Mind
Posting on LinkedIn everyday will keep your name in front of your connections. Most business decisions and purchases are about timing. You want to be THE name that your prospects think of when a specific need arises. For example, businesses do not change their CPA every other month. They are only likely to change if they become unhappy with their CPA’s current level of performance. This could happen after 1 year, 10 years, 25 years, or never. Regardless, it is important to keep your name in front of any potential prospect on a regular basis. If and/or when they decide to make a change, you will be the first person they think of. Think long term. Being timely could mean landing a client for the next 10 years.
Share into groups
In addition to posting status updates to your personal LinkedIn profile, be sure to post content into groups that your prospects are in. This means if you are a business coach, do not join every business consultant/coach group you can find. They are full of your competitors. Find groups that your ideal prospects are in and post content in those groups a few times a month…I suggest about once a week to avoid being spammy. Also, do not just post articles into the groups. Post discussion questions from time-to-time in an attempt to get a conversation rolling. It is an easy way to get some interaction going with potential prospects.
LinkedIn is constantly making it easier for you to find and share content with your prospects and connections. Try the new LinkedIn Content search and let us know your thoughts.
What other methods are you currently using to curate content?