How would you prospect to this Fortune 1,000 CIO and CFO?

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Jack and Jill are the CIO and CFO of a Fortune 1,000 company.

They have dozens of projects they’re working on.

They also have thousands of vendors trying to get their attention.

They are implementing a new system and have been tied up with consultants.

They are planning their upcoming employee training.

They are also really concerned with their system’s stability and moving all the servers.

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Question is, how would you prospect to this company?

How would you reach them?



That won’t work. Jack and Jill aren’t looking for what you do.

Besides most people aren’t googling your services.


Well, they’re on Facebook – but it’s really just to put up photos of their kids and search for old high school sweethearts.  Targeting these kind of people on facebook is an uphill battle.

They don’t click ads. They don’t have time. They’re too busy.

… and remember, they don’t know they have a problem.

As you know, you can “reach” Jack and Jill on LinkedIn.  But what if you don’t have any mutual friends and they don’t respond to your outreach? (Our LinkedIn lead gen processes are successful at receiving a favorable, positive response from 30% of prospects targeted, but what about the other 70%?)

Cold calling?

Sure that is if they pick up the phone or return your call.

… 95% of cold calls go straight to their voicemail.

Not ideal.


Seth Godin says: “Motivating the committed outperforms persuading the uncommitted.”

… and someone who doesn’t think they have a problem, is pretty “uncommitted”.

Not an easy sell.

A damn tough sell in an online demo.

Well, there’s a system for cold emailing these high level prospects that is a fantastic supplement to your existing processes…

…and we’ll be teaching it in an upcoming training presented by Bryan Kreuzberger.

This system is the #1 Recommended Cold Email System by  That should tell you something.

His training turns this scenario on its head, completely (I’m talking big time).

It’s a way of positioning yourself to get clients emailing *you*.

… instead of you having to follow up with them.

Ring ring … ring ring … ring ring.

YOU: Hello?

JACK: This is Jack – can you talk?

… or you’ll get an email instead. Same end result though.

“Can we set up a time to talk?”

Pretty sweet, no? 🙂

Bryan will be revealing how he does this, and how you can too.

It’s all revealed on the webinar, for free.

So make sure you’re on the call this  coming Tuesday, March 25th @ 1 PM Eastern Time

Click here for details and to reserve your spot.

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